» Registro de instituciones, colecciones y bases de datos de biodiversidad » Colección de reptiles vivos, BSM Parque Zoológico de Barcelona
BSM Parque Zoológico de Barcelona, S.A.



Manel Areste




Parc de la Ciutadella s/n


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Colección de reptiles vivos, BSM Parque Zoológico de Barcelona

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The collection of reptilians is located in the terrarium, with a varied range of amphibians and reptiles from all over the world; it has over 500 animals belonging to more than 100 species, and is regarded as one of the best in Europe. The animals are kept in specially equipped facilities with abundant vegetation. The various species of python (Python sp.), boas (Boa sp., Epicrates sp.) and anacondas (Eunectes sp.), are particularly interesting, as are the several species of crocodilians: the American alligator (Alligator mississipiensis), the broad-snouted caiman (Caiman latirostris), the spectacled caiman (Caiman crocodilus), the tomistoma (Tomistoma schlegelii), the dwarf crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis), the marsh crocodile (Crocodylus palustris), the Australian saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) and the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticos). The last of these have an enclosure which enables them to be viewed underwater. Strength: 1. Ethological studies to guarantee the animal welfare, diagnostic, introduction of programs of enrichment, evaluation of the effectiveness of the program. Elaboration of handling manuals. Revision of diets. Studies on sanitary state: pathology, endocrinology, physiology of the stress. 2. Studies on dynamics of the social interactions, resocialization / new individuals' integration in groups. 3. To try to retain the maximum of genetic variability in captive populations. Studies about Physiology of the reproduction, controls of sexual cycles, behavioral indicators and hormonal controls. 4. Participation in the elaboration of the studbook that contain the history of the population of a species in captivity, registering the dates of birth and death and other data of interest for the handling.

Información general

Puntos fuertes

See description

Restricciones de uso

Exchanges of DNA and tissues only with banks of appreciate institutions.

Restricciones de acceso

General public access by means of tickets. Students can previous send a memory of work to the Director of Research. Agreements with scientific institutions have to be signed to collaborate in scientific projects.

Cobertura taxonómica

Nombres científicos

todo(s) Reptilia.

Nombres comunes

todo(s) anfibios, reptiles.

Cobertura geoespacial

todo(s) mundial.

Localización temporal

Cobertura temporal

todo(s) taxón existente.

Recursos de la colección o base de datos

Tipos de objeto

principalmente organismos enteros.

Tipos de recurso

principalmente observaciones.

Métodos de preservación

principalmente sin tratamiento.


Número de ejemplares / registros


Número de especies


Porcentaje de informatización


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