» Registro de instituciones, colecciones y bases de datos de biodiversidad » Herbario MAF, Fac. Farmacia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Departamento de Farmacología, Farmacognosia & Botánica, Fac. de Farmacia, Univ. Complutense de Madrid
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Herbario MAF (info)


Paloma Cantó Ramos




Plaza de Ramón y Cajal s/n


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Herbario MAF, Fac. Farmacia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

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This Herbarium was founded by Blas Lázaro e Ibiza in 1892. Its central nucleus was the Herbarium of the Linneana Matritensis Society that, by proposal of Fausto Garagarza (professor of physical Techniques), was stored in the Faculty of Pharmacy in December of 1892. The collection of plants of P. A. Pourret was included soon. This collection was inherited of the School of Pharmacy of Santiago. To the death of B. Lázaro a structure of 27 closets existed. In those the collections of Marcelo Rivas Mateo, Máximo Laguna y José María Pérez Lara had been stored. Later, the collections of the different professors of the Faculty were included. Among those, the collecions of José Cuatrecasas and Manuel López Figueiras and some collections acquired by this, the herbaria of Touton and Huguet del Villar are remarkable. Salvador Rivas Goday was the responsible for the current location of the collections (100 closets) and of the great increment of those by means of collecting and exchange. José Borja is one of the most important collaborators of Rivas Goday. The MAF was included in the Index Herbariorum in 1993 and it actively participates in the creation of the Association of Herbaria Iberian-macaroneesic (AHIM). In 2003 it joined the GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facilities) database. The number of currently preserved specimens is near 222000. Of the total amount of specimens in MAF, just over 10000 make up the historical collections of Pourret and the Linnean Society of Madrid. The rest of the collections (e.g. L. Née, H. Ruiz & J.A. Pavón, J.M. Pérez Lara, B. Lázaro Ibiza, M. Rivas Mateos, P. Font Quer, S. Rivas Goday, J. Borja, J. Cuatrecasas, S. Rivas-Martínez) is integrated into the general herbarium. Currently 30% of the total is digitalized.

Información general

Puntos fuertes

1- Taxonomy (Biodiversity), 2- Biogeography, 3- Ecology, 4- Fitosociology, 5- Molecular Biology

Restricciones de acceso

Free for Botanists and scientific researchers

Cobertura taxonómica

Nombres científicos

algunos/as Coniferophyta, algunos/as Equisetopsida, algunos/as Gnetophyta, Liliatae, algunos/as Lycophyta, algunos/as Magnoliatae, algunos/as Pteridophyta.

Nombres comunes

algunos/as Angiospermas, algunos/as cola de caballo, algunos/as coníferas, algunos/as efedra, algunos/as helechos, algunos/as licopodios, isoetes, selaginela, todo(s) plantas vasculares.

Cobertura geoespacial

algunos/as África del Norte, principalmente Europa, algunos/as resto del mundo.

Localización temporal

Cobertura temporal

todo(s) taxón existente.

Recursos de la colección o base de datos

Tipos de objeto

todo(s) organismos enteros.

Tipos de recurso

todo(s) Preservados.

Métodos de preservación

todo(s) secado y prensado.


Número de ejemplares / registros


Porcentaje de informatización


¿Incluye material tipo?


Mapa de especímenes

Recursos relacionados


  • Taxon, 1973, 22(2-3): 267-270
  • Bol. Soc. Española Hist. Farmacia, 1987, 151-152: 347-358
  • Webbia, 1993, 48: 605-610.

Recursos web

Accede a los conjuntos de datos

  • Herbario de la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (MAF)