News and events
Call for nominations to the 2021 GBIF Young Researchers Award
GBIF is pleased to invite nominations for the 2021 Young Researchers Award. This annual programme aims to foster and recognize innovative research and discovery in biodiversity informatics by graduate students whose master’s and doctoral studies rely on GBIF-mediated data. The 2021 programme will provide a pair of €5,000 prizes recognizing the work of two early-career […]
Business contribution to open biodiversity data. Resources from the last GBIF.ES webinar
The webinar Publication of biodiversity data through GBIF. An invitation to the business sector was held on November 12th. This online event, hosted by the Coordination Unit of GBIF Spain and supported by the Spanish Initiative for Business and Biodiversity (Biodiversity Foundation) and LafargeHolcim Spain, gathered over 50 professionals from 30 Spanish companies from different […]
Join the webinar: “Sharing biodiversity data through GBIF. An invitation to the business sector”.
The registration period for the GBIF.ES webinar: Sharing biodiversity data through GBIF. An invitation to the business sector is already opened. This event will be held on November 12th at 11:30 AM (Madrid time – CEST/UTC +1) through the ZOOM platform. This webinar is aimed to encourage Spanish companies to share biodiversity data through GBIF […]
Open call for III GBIF.ES online Workshop on the Management, Visualization and Analysis of Ecological Data by using R software (beginner level)
The registration period for the I GBIF.ES online Workshop on the Management, Visualization and Analysis of Ecological Data by using R software (beginner level) is already opened. This workshop will take place on October 6-21, 2020 through the eLearning platform of GBIF Spain. This training event aims to give participants the basics to know how […]
The international workshop on Biodiversity data use for decision making will be postponed due to COVID-19
The Biodiversity data use for decision-making workshop will be postponed due to the current restrictions generated by the COVID-19 virus. This workshop, which is the main activity from the “Data Use for Decision Making Workshop: an Iberoamerican community call” CESP project, funded by GBIF, was planned to be hosted in Santiago de Chile on April […]
El taller internacional sobre Uso de datos en la toma de decisiones de abril en Chile se pospone debido al COVID-19
Las actuales restricciones provocadas por la situación del COVID-19 nos obligan a posponer el taller internacional sobre Uso de datos de biodiversidad para la toma de decisiones. Este taller, que se enmarca en el proyecto CESP “Taller Uso de datos en la toma de decisiones, una convocatoria para la comunidad iberoamericana”, financiado por GBIF, iba […]