News and events

Citizen science in Arganzuela (Madrid) with GBIF and Natusfera

Citizen science in Arganzuela (Madrid) with GBIF and Natusfera

El pasado día 5 de julio se realizó en el Terrario de Intermediae —Matadero (Junta Municipal del distrito de Arganzuela)— y Madrid Río una actividad vinculada a Ecosistema Arganzuela, un proyecto «que pretende reconectar a las vecinas y vecinos con su medio natural de pertenencia, el barrio, a través de una práctica artística basada en […]

Strengthening the Living Atlases Community of Practice

Strengthening the Living Atlases Community of Practice

The Living Atlases community appoints two new coordinators and launches new video tutorials for users of the platform The GBIF Secretariat has funded two half-time positions in the network to assist in developing a growing community of practice around ‘Living Atlases.’ Vicente Ruiz Jurado of the Atlas of Living Spain will act as technical coordinator, […]

Open call for XV GBIF.ES Workshop on Ecological Niche Modelling

Open call for XV GBIF.ES Workshop on Ecological Niche Modelling

The registration period for the XV GBIF.ES Workshop on Ecological Niche Modelling is already opened. This workshop will take place on September 4-7, 2019 in the computer room at the Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid (CSIC). This training event aims to teach participants on terms and techniques to be able to run species distribution models through the use of the R statistical application. This workshop will be […]

GBIF.ES releases Elysia v2: a software application to manage natural history collections

GBIF.ES releases Elysia v2: a software application to manage natural history collections

Elysia is an open source software application developed by the Spanish GBIF Node (GBIF.ES) to digitize and manage botanical and zoological natural history collections. The release of Elysia v2 was published on 10 June 2019. This version includes new features and improvements focused in managing acquisitions, loans, and exchanges of plant specimens, locations, as well […]

GBIF Spain attends the 11th European GBIF Nodes Meeting

GBIF Spain attends the 11th European GBIF Nodes Meeting

The 11th European GBIF Nodes Meeting took place in Oslo (Norway) on May 22-24, 2019, and it was hosted by GBIF Norway in the Natural History Museum. During the meeting, staff from GBIF Secretariat presented an update of the 2019 GBIF Work Programme and shared the strategy to engage new countries from southern and eastern […]