News and events

Call for nominations opens for 2020 GBIF Young Researchers Award

Call for nominations opens for 2020 GBIF Young Researchers Award

We are welcome to receive nominations for the GBIF Young Researchers Award 2020. This call is addressed to Master and Ph.D. students working with GBIF data in their studies. The main objective of the award is to foster innovative research and discovery in biodiversity informatics by graduate students who are deploying GBIF-enabled data in master’s […]

GBIF.ES teaches staff from the Diputación de Barcelona (DIBA) about biodiversity data portals and explore ways to collaborate with GBIF Andorra

GBIF.ES teaches staff from the Diputación de Barcelona (DIBA) about biodiversity data portals and explore ways to collaborate with GBIF Andorra

On January 21, Katia Cezón and Miguel Vega (GBIF.ES) capacitated 27 environmental technicians from the Diputación de Barcelona (DIBA) to use the GBIF global and national data portals. During the workshop, students learnt how to explore data, refine the search, analzye and download data from the GBIF.ES Data Portal. There was also time to present […]

2020 GBIF.ES Annual Training Plan

2020 GBIF.ES Annual Training Plan

Based on the results from the survey carried out during the last year to know what are the training needs of the Spanish-speakers GBIF community, the Coordination Unit of GBIF Spain launches its ANNUAL TRAINING PLAN for 2020, where you will find 10 workshops focused on different topics. These workshops are: GBIF.ES workshop: Use of […]

LafargeHolcim España, first Spanish company publishing biodiversity data through GBIF

LafargeHolcim España, first Spanish company publishing biodiversity data through GBIF

LafargeHolcim España publishes through GBIF.ES the first dataset coming from a private company in Spain. The publication of this dataset has been made under the framework of the OpenPSD project “Engage and promote the private sector in open biodiversity data publication”, which is part of the CESP Programme (Capacity Enhancement Support Programme), funded by GBIF. […]

First meetings with Spanish private companies under the OpenPSD project

First meetings with Spanish private companies under the OpenPSD project

The OpenPSD – Engage and promote the private sector in open biodiversity data publication project is aimed to engage and promote biodiversity data publication and use by the private sector through workshops, documentation targeted to the private sector and mentoring. During the first phase of the project, GBIF Spain has met three different private companies […]

GBIF.ES participates in the 2019 Social Forum for Euskadi Biodiversity

GBIF.ES participates in the 2019 Social Forum for Euskadi Biodiversity

El pasado 30 de octubre se celebró en el Archivo Histórico de Euskadi, el Foro Social de la Biodiversidad de Euskadi 2019, un espacio de participación anual para el encuentro y diálogo entre distintos agentes sociales invitados. Hubo una amplia representación de más de sesenta asistentes de diversa índole, como centros tecnológicos y de investigación, […]