News and events
Encuesta para la identificación de temáticas prioritarias para los Planes de Formación de GBIF España
Desde GBIF España diseñamos anualmente un Plan de Formación para la comunidad hispanohablante de GBIF. A lo largo de más de 15 años, hemos utilizado la formación como una herramienta fundamental para fortalecer la comunidad de los diferentes agentes implicados en la información de la biodiversidad sobre todo en nuestro país. No obstante, para fijar […]
Generalitat de Catalunya, new data publisher through GBIF.ES
Recently, the Generalitat de Catalunya, through the Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat, has become a new publisher in the GBIF.ES network. This institution manages the Catalan system of protected natural areas and Natura 2000, which is currently constituted by 182 protected areas gathering the broad variety of habitats of Catalonia (approximately the 30 % of […]
GBIF.ES joins the GBIF Governing Board Meeting and Biodiversity_Next Conference in Leiden (The Netherlands)
A number of events related to Biodiversity Informatics and GBIF took place in Leiden (The Netherlands) from 17-25 October 2019, most of them hosted by the Naturalis Biodiversity Center. GBIF organized a two-day global nodes training workshop just prior to the global nodes meeting and GB26 aiming to assist all node managers in further developing […]
First mentoring project meeting in Madrid between GBIF Zimbabwe and GBIF Spain
The first meeting in the framework of the CESP project “Strengthening Zimbabwe’s GBIF node through collaboration with GBIF Spain“, funded by GBIF, took place in the Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid from September 24-27, 2019. The two staff members from GBIF.ZW who attended the meeting were Luke Jimu – GBIF.ZW Node Manager – and Innocent Wadzanayi […]
The Environmental Information Network of Andalusia (REDIAM) mobilizes more than 6 million records through GBIF
The new dataset “Localización de taxones botánicos de interés para la identificación de hábitats de la REDIAM (Secretaría General de Medio Ambiente, Agua y Cambio Climático)” recently mobilized by REDIAM has highly increased the total number of occurrences shared by Spanish institutions through GBIF to 32,218,394 occurrences. REDIAM is now the second institution with more occurrences […]
The National Data Portal uses a new tool for data download
Since July 2019, the way to download data from the National Data Portal has been lightly changed to allow the use of new functionalities and to improve the user experience. Moreover, we have implemented a new tool to make a more detailed tracking of the downloaded occurrences. Now, users need to be logged to download […]