News and events
The Environmental Information Network of Andalusia (REDIAM) mobilizes more than 6 million records through GBIF
The new dataset “Localización de taxones botánicos de interés para la identificación de hábitats de la REDIAM (Secretaría General de Medio Ambiente, Agua y Cambio Climático)” recently mobilized by REDIAM has highly increased the total number of occurrences shared by Spanish institutions through GBIF to 32,218,394 occurrences. REDIAM is now the second institution with more occurrences […]
The National Data Portal uses a new tool for data download
Since July 2019, the way to download data from the National Data Portal has been lightly changed to allow the use of new functionalities and to improve the user experience. Moreover, we have implemented a new tool to make a more detailed tracking of the downloaded occurrences. Now, users need to be logged to download […]
GBIF.ES participates in the UCM training course “Expert in Social Innovation and Collaborative Economy” by presenting the citizen science and Natusfera
El sábado 6 de julio se impartió en el aula de informática del Real Jardín Botánico el taller GBIF y la ciencia ciudadana para alumnos del Diploma Oficial Complutense de Experto en Innovación Social y Economía Colaborativa (Eficiencracia), de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). El taller forma parte del módulo Redes y organizaciones colaborativas, […]
GBIF Spain supports the regional meeting and node workshop in the 2019 Caribbean BID
Citizen science in Arganzuela (Madrid) with GBIF and Natusfera
El pasado día 5 de julio se realizó en el Terrario de Intermediae —Matadero (Junta Municipal del distrito de Arganzuela)— y Madrid Río una actividad vinculada a Ecosistema Arganzuela, un proyecto «que pretende reconectar a las vecinas y vecinos con su medio natural de pertenencia, el barrio, a través de una práctica artística basada en […]
Strengthening the Living Atlases Community of Practice
The Living Atlases community appoints two new coordinators and launches new video tutorials for users of the platform The GBIF Secretariat has funded two half-time positions in the network to assist in developing a growing community of practice around ‘Living Atlases.’ Vicente Ruiz Jurado of the Atlas of Living Spain will act as technical coordinator, […]