News and events

GBIF Spain at the 25th meeting of the GBIF Governing Board (GB25)

GBIF Spain at the 25th meeting of the GBIF Governing Board (GB25)

The 25th meeting of the GBIF Governing Board (GB25) took place on 16-17 October 2018, and it was hosted by the National Biodiversity Data Centre in Kilkenny (Ireland). The Spanish Delegation attending the meeting was integrated by Benjamín Sánchez Gimeno (Head of Delegation of GBIF.ES, General Vice-director of Internationalization of Science and Innovation, from the Ministry for […]

The first activity of the LiquenCity project has been developed with Zazuar school, form Villa de Vallecas (Madrid)

The first activity of the LiquenCity project has been developed with Zazuar school, form Villa de Vallecas (Madrid)

Last Tuesday, October 16th we developed the first activity of the LiquenCity project for high school students from Zazuar school, in Villa de Vallecas (Madrid). This first activity involved two staff members from the project, who made a presentation for 32 students under the supervision of their Science teacher. The project objectives were explained highlighting the importance […]

Open call for: I GBIF.ES Online Workshop on the Management, Visualization and Analysis of Ecological Data by using R software (beginner level)

Open call for: I GBIF.ES Online Workshop on the Management, Visualization and Analysis of Ecological Data by using R software (beginner level)

Registration period for the I GBIF.ES online Workshop on the Management, Visualization and Analysis of Ecological Data by using R software (beginner level) is already opened. This workshop will take place on September 4-7, 2018 in the computer room at the Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid (CSIC). This training event aims to give a glimpse into using and developing […]

Open call for GBIF.ES Workshop on Georeferencing Natural History Collections

Open call for GBIF.ES Workshop on Georeferencing Natural History Collections

Registration period for the GBIF.ES Workshop on Georeferencing Natural History Collections is already opened. This workshop will take place on November 13-15, 2018 in the computer room at the Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid (CSIC). The three-day hands-on workshop will be led by Nelson Rios (Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History), GEOLocate tool developer and David Draper (Lisbon University), one […]

Learning materials of the GBIF.ES Workshop on “Species Distribution Modeling” available

Learning materials of the GBIF.ES Workshop on “Species Distribution Modeling” available

The fourteenth edition of the GBIF.ES Workshop “Species Distribution Modeling” was held on September 4-7, 2018 in the Royal Botanic Garden-CSIC. The workshop was leaded by Blas Benito (University of Bergen) and supported by Katia Cezón (GBIF.ES), Cristina Villaverde (GBIF.ES) and Miguel Vega (GBIF.ES). 27 participants attended the course from a wide range of organizations such […]

Partners signal new alliance for biodiversity knowledge

Partners signal new alliance for biodiversity knowledge

More than 100 delegates at 2nd Global Biodiversity Informatics Conference agree need for light-touch coordination of overlapping initiatives, supporting connected solutions to answer key questions about life on Earth A global alliance to transform our understanding of biodiversity by connecting all efforts to observe, measure and model the living planet: that’s the vision shared by […]