News and events

Open call for GBIF.ES Workshop on Georeferencing Natural History Collections

Open call for GBIF.ES Workshop on Georeferencing Natural History Collections

Registration period for the GBIF.ES Workshop on Georeferencing Natural History Collections is already opened. This workshop will take place on November 13-15, 2018 in the computer room at the Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid (CSIC). The three-day hands-on workshop will be led by Nelson Rios (Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History), GEOLocate tool developer and David Draper (Lisbon University), one […]

Learning materials of the GBIF.ES Workshop on “Species Distribution Modeling” available

Learning materials of the GBIF.ES Workshop on “Species Distribution Modeling” available

The fourteenth edition of the GBIF.ES Workshop “Species Distribution Modeling” was held on September 4-7, 2018 in the Royal Botanic Garden-CSIC. The workshop was leaded by Blas Benito (University of Bergen) and supported by Katia Cezón (GBIF.ES), Cristina Villaverde (GBIF.ES) and Miguel Vega (GBIF.ES). 27 participants attended the course from a wide range of organizations such […]

Partners signal new alliance for biodiversity knowledge

Partners signal new alliance for biodiversity knowledge

More than 100 delegates at 2nd Global Biodiversity Informatics Conference agree need for light-touch coordination of overlapping initiatives, supporting connected solutions to answer key questions about life on Earth A global alliance to transform our understanding of biodiversity by connecting all efforts to observe, measure and model the living planet: that’s the vision shared by […]

Salvando al El Polo Norte

Para muchos de nosotros la pregunta sobre un futuro a venir en nuestro planeta es algo de extrema importancia, sin importar si somos o pertenecemos a algún grupo de protección ecológica o simplemente nos preocupamos por el futuro hábitat de nuestras descendencias, esto genera diferentes preguntas, en especial, preguntas que están conectadas a uno de […]

Mosquito Alert shares open data from citizen scientists through GBIF

Mosquito Alert shares open data from citizen scientists through GBIF

Mosquito Alert, a pioneering citizen science project coordinated by three Barcelona-based research centres, has published a dataset containing more than 4,000 photo-based observations of the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) gathered by citizen scientists through the Mosquito Alert app. Mosquito Alert aims to monitor the spread of both the Asian tiger mosquito and a closely related species, the yellow-fever […]