Training Annual Training Plan 2022

Annual Training Plan 2022

Find below the courses that GBIF.Es has planned for 2022. Please, note that in some cases the dates shown might be tentative. This plan will include 2 webinars, 4 onsite workshops and 3 online workshops. More information about these training activities will be available as the events’ dates get closer and their contents are confirmed.

If you wish to obtain detailed information about past activities, please visit our section: activities organized by GBIF Spain.

Enrollment in training activities does not entail any cost. The applicant selection is based on what they contribute or can contribute to the general objectives of GBIF and the national node and to the specific characteristics of each activity.

GBIF.ES webinar: Skills on collections: best practices, training and coordination

This webinar will explore the required skills for the correct and efficient management of natural history collections. Solutions for common problems and the best practices during the coordination of this kind of collection will be given.

Date: January 20, 2022
Duration: 1,5 h.
Training modality: online (ZOOM and YouTube)
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II GBIF.ES online workshop on the use and exploitation of GBIF and other biodiversity data portals for data publishers and users

This practical workshop aims to give participants basic knowledge on how to use the GBIF.ES Biodiversity Data Portal and the GBIF International Portal, sharing guided exercises on their main functionalities. This workshop will also include a brief tutorial on how to use the biodiversity data portals from the Comunidad Valenciana. The workshop will be conducted by some GBIF.ES staff.

Date: February 9-22, 2022
Duration: 12 h.
Training modality: online (GBIF.ES eLearning plataform)
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GBIF.ES meeting-workshop on the treatment of taxonomy and nomenclature in management databases and scientific infrastructures

This workshop aims to discuss and explore how to manage the nomenclature from databases related to environmental management. The workshop will be conducted in onsite mode and it will be addressed to staff from Environmental Administrations that work with biodiversity data.

Date: First trimester, 2022
Duration: to be defined
Training modality: onsite (C/ Joaquín Costa, 22. Madrid)
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GBIF.ES webinar: From the original data to the result: data depuration and quality process under the GBIF framework

This webinar will focus on exploring the ways and tools to prepare and clean the GBIF biodiversity data for their subsequent use in diverse studies. The webinar will be based on the principle that GBIF does not exist to provide answers but it is a useful infrastructure to provide biodiversity data that can be used by the community to generate those answers.

Date: April 2022
Duration: 1,5 h.
Training modality: online (ZOOM and YouTube)
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GBIF.ES online workshop on Biodiversity Data Standardization and Publication

This workshop aims to improve the ability of participants to prepare and publish biodiversity data through the GBIF network. Aspects related to data quality, cleaning, standardization and publication through the IPT will be addressed, as well as the preparation of data papers.

Date: May 18 – 31, 2022
Duration: 30 h.
Training modality: online (GBIF.ES eLearning plataform)
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III GBIF.ES Workshop on the use of Elysia, tool for managing natural history collections

The three-day hands-on workshop is addressed to curators and technicians working with natural history collections (both zoological and botanical collections), who need to make full management of their collections: digitalization of specimens, labels, reports, transactions such as loans and exchanges, etc.

Date: September 27-29, 2022
Duration: 21 h.
Training modality: onsite (C/ Joaquín Costa, 22. Madrid)
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V GBIF.ES online workshop: Management, visualization and analysis of ecological data by using R software (beginner level)

This workshop is aimed to provide participants the basics to know how to use the R software to manage, visualize and analyse ecological and biodiversity data. It will deepen in those competencies allowing to be an efficient user of the R tool such as the directory management, the object manipulation, the graphic design (ggplot), etc..

Date: October 11-25, 2022
Duration: 30 h.
Training modality: online (GBIF.ES eLearning plataform)
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XVI GBIF.ES Workshop on Ecological Niche Modelling

This training event aims to teach participants on terms and techniques to be able to run species distribution models through the use of the R statistical application.

Date: November 15-18, 2022
Duration: 26 h.
Training modality: onsite (C/ Joaquín Costa, 22. Madrid)
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GBIF.ES workshop: Standardization and integration of information related to habitats: bases, options and consensus

This training event aims to get agreements on the best practices using Plinian Core in real cases and to explore its extensions to manage conservation plans and status, and habitats.

Date: to be defined
Duration: to be defined
Training modality: onsite (C/ Joaquín Costa, 22. Madrid)
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