News and events
GBIF.ES in the 2018 Meeting of the Association of Ibero-Macaronesian Herbaria
The 2018 Meeting of the Asociation of Ibero-Macaronesian Herbaria took place in the Royal Botanical Garden on November 23rd, 2018 (AHIM)....
GBIF.ES joining the XVI Meeting on Citizen Science hosted by CREAF, SCB and ICHN in Barcelona
Felipe Castilla (GBIF Spain) presented the Data traking in GBIF. The Natusfera use case during the XVI Meeting CREAF SCB ICHN which take...
Join the first bioblitz of the LiquenCity project
The citizen science project LiquenCity aims to know the lichen diversity living in the trees of Madrid and Barcelona and relate this information with air quality. In order to achieve this...
Technicians from the Government of Catalonia trained in using GBIF data portals
Two sessions of the workshop Use and management of GBIF international and national data portals taught by Katia Cezón and Miguel Vega (GBIF...
2018 Meeting on Biodiversity Information and Environmental Administrations in Andorra La Vella
The 10th Meeting on Biodiversity Information and Environmental Administrations took place on 24-25 October 2018 in Andorra La Vella. The event...
GBIF Spain at the 25th meeting of the GBIF Governing Board (GB25)
The 25th meeting of the GBIF Governing Board (GB25) took place on 16-17 October 2018, and it was hosted by the National Biodiversity Data Centre in Kilkenny (Ireland). The Spanish...
The first activity of the LiquenCity project has been developed with Zazuar school, form Villa de Vallecas (Madrid)
Last Tuesday, October 16th we developed the first activity of the LiquenCity project for...
Open call for: I GBIF.ES Online Workshop on the Management, Visualization and Analysis of Ecological Data by using R software (beginner level)
Registration period for the I GBIF.ES online Workshop on the Management, Visualization...
Open call for GBIF.ES Workshop on Georeferencing Natural History Collections
Registration period for the GBIF.ES Workshop on Georeferencing Natural History Collections is already opened. This workshop will take place on...
Learning materials of the GBIF.ES Workshop on “Species Distribution Modeling” available
The fourteenth edition of the GBIF.ES Workshop “Species Distribution Modeling” was held on September 4-7, 2018 in the Royal Botanic...
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