News and events surpasses 1 billion species occurrence records topped 1 billion species occurrence records on 4 July 2018, thanks to a surge of datasets from the French National Inventory of Natural Heritage (l’Inventaire National du...
Vivir en el extranjero, un sueño de muchos, que si no se hace de la forma adecuada se puede transformar en una pesadilla. A medida que evolucionamos y tomamos más...
Natusfera and LiquenCity presented to the teaching community from Madrid
Felipe Castilla and Carmen Lujano (GBIF-Spain) presented the citizen science platform Natusfera and its associated project LiquenCity during...
Open call for XIV GBIF.ES Workshop on Ecological Niche Modelling
Registration period for the XIV GBIF.ES Workshop on Ecological Niche Modelling is already opened. This workshop will take place in September 4-7, 2018 in the computer room at the Royal...
Learning materials of the GBIF.ES Workshop on “Biodiversity Data Publication” available
The second edition of the GBIF.ES Workshop “Publication of biodiversity data in GBIF and scientific journals” was held in June 12-14, 2018...
Natusfera has been officially presented in the ECSA Conference 2018
From June 3-5, 2018, the Second International Conference of ECSA (European Citizen Science Association) has taken place in the Maison Communale...
Data from Natusfera now available through GBIF
Citizens contributing data through Natusfera platform ( have added nearly 20,000 new observations to GBIF. The Natusfera Citizen Science Observation Dataset...
Materials of the GBIF.ES Workshop on R available
The first edition of the GBIF.ES Workshop "Optimizing the use of R in research: new tools for programming, managing, and visualizing biodiversity data" was held on May 29-30, 2018 in the...
With more than 15,000 observations, Madrid, Barcelona, and Cádiz are in the TOP5 European cities during the City Nature Challenge
Madrid, Barcelona, and Cádiz have uploaded to Natusfera platform almost a half of the...
GBIF.ES participates in the workshop “Transfer of technical capacities associated to the publication of biodiversity data through GBIF network”
Katia Cezón (GBIF.ES) has joined the workshop “Transfer of technical capacities...
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