News and events
GBIF Spain launches new version of National Biodiversity Data Portal
The Coordination Unit of GBIF.ES is happy to present a new version of the National Biodiversity Data Portal. This updated site...
Biomaratón 2018, Natusfera and GBIF.ES presented in Rivas-Vaciamadrid
Last March 23rd, 2018, Felipe Castilla (GBIF Spain), presented Biomaratón 2018 (City Nature Challenge) at the Educational Center El Campillo,...
Come and join the ID Party, closing event of the Biomaratón Madrid, with Javier Grijalbo Cervantes
Next Thursday, May 3rd, 2018, from 16:00 to 19:30, the Biodiversity ID Party will take place at the MediaLab Prado's conference hall (Madrid...
Biomaratón 2018, Natusfera and GBIF.ES presented to “CEAs” from Madrid.
Last April 4th, 2018, Felipe Castilla and Katia Cezón (GBIF Spain), presented Biomaratón 2018 (City Nature Challenge) at the Educational...
Open call for II GBIF.ES Workshop on Biodiversity Data Publishing in GBIF and Data Papers
Registration timeline for the II GBIF.ES Workshop on Biodiversity Data Publishing in GBIF and Data Papers is already opened. This workshop will...
Biomaratón 2018, Natusfera and GBIF.ES presented at the Colmenar Viejo’s Council (Madrid)
In April 6th, 2018, Felipe Castilla (GBIF.ES), presented the Biomaratón 2018 (City Nature Challenge) at the Colmenar Viejo's Council. The...
Adoption of ‘orphaned’ Spanish datasets completed
Last year, the GBIF Secretariat requested the assistance of national nodes in the network to help rescue a collection of ‘orphaned’ datasets. These datasets no longer appeared to be...
“Arbolapp en el aula”. Arbolapp and Natusfera educational resources for high school students
In April 22nd, 2018 "Arbolapp en el aula" was launched for high school students. It...
Abierta convocatoria Taller GBIF.ES: Optimizando el uso de R en investigación: nuevas herramientas para la programación, manipulación y visualización de datos de biodiversidad
Ya está abierto el periodo de inscripción para apuntarse al Taller GBIF.ES: Optimizando...
GBIF formalizes collaboration with biodiversity assessment platform IPBES
GBIF and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding...
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