News and events
Abierta convocatoria V Taller GBIF.ES online: Manejo, visualización y análisis de datos en ecología con R (nivel iniciación)
Ya está abierto el periodo de inscripción para apuntarse al V Taller GBIF.ES online:...
Apparent Quality Index
The Apparent Quality Index is an indicator of the data base quality (records, observations, specimens of natural history collections) in Darwin Core format. The index is divided in three...
GBIF.ES lanza una nueva versión del software de gestión de colecciones Elysia
Ya está disponible la nueva versión 3.0 del software Elysia, orientado a informatizar y gestionar de manera completa colecciones de historia...
Open call for GBIF.ES online workshop on Biodiversity Data Standardization and Publication
The registration period for the GBIF.ES online workshop on Biodiversity Data Standardization and Publication is already open. This workshop...
Call for nominations to the 2022 GBIF Young Researchers Award
GBIF is pleased to invite nominations for the 2021 Young Researchers Award. This annual programme aims to foster and recognize innovative research and discovery in biodiversity informatics...
Report on Biological Collections and Biodiversity Databases in Spain (2021)
The Report on Biological Collections and Biodiversity Databases in Spain (2021) is already available on the GBIF.ES website:...
Open call for II GBIF.ES online workshop on the use and exploitation of GBIF and other biodiversity data portals for data publishers and users
The registration period for the II GBIF.ES online workshop on the use and exploitation of...
2022 GBIF.ES Annual Training Plan
The GBIF.ES TRAINING PLAN for 2022 has been published. This year we will be offering 7 workshops as well as two webinars with the focus on biodiversity collections and data quality, whose...
Open call for “Les Herbonautes” 2021
The National Scientific Collection Network of France (RECOLNAT) has opened the 5th call for projects "Herbonautes 2021". This call for projects is open to all topics related to biodiversity...
GBIF.ES supports the OAPN project «Invasive species on the network: a citizen science initiative for early warning of invasive species in national parks»
GBIF Spain joined the Technical Meeting on Citizen Science and Protected Areas hosted by...
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