News and events
GBIF.ES in the 2019 Meeting of the Association of Ibero-Macaronesian Herbaria
The 2019 Meeting of the Asociation of Ibero-Macaronesian Herbaria took place in the Royal Botanical Garden on January 31st, 2020 (AHIM)....
Workshop on Data Mobilisation for biodiversity data-holding institutions from Zimbabwe
On January 30-31, 2020, GBIF Zimbabwe (GBIF.ZW) organized a training workshop on Data Mobilisation addressed to experts from biodiversity...
Call for nominations opens for 2020 GBIF Young Researchers Award
We are welcome to receive nominations for the GBIF Young Researchers Award 2020. This call is addressed to Master and Ph.D. students working with GBIF data in their studies. The main...
GBIF.ES teaches staff from the Diputación de Barcelona (DIBA) about biodiversity data portals and explore ways to collaborate with GBIF Andorra
On January 21, Katia Cezón and Miguel Vega (GBIF.ES) capacitated 27 environmental...
2020 GBIF.ES Annual Training Plan
Based on the results from the survey carried out during the last year to know what are the training needs of the Spanish-speakers GBIF community, the Coordination Unit of GBIF Spain...
LafargeHolcim España, first Spanish company publishing biodiversity data through GBIF
LafargeHolcim España publishes through GBIF.ES the first dataset coming from a private company in Spain. The publication of this dataset has...
First meetings with Spanish private companies under the OpenPSD project
The OpenPSD - Engage and promote the private sector in open biodiversity data publication project is aimed to engage and promote biodiversity...
GBIF.ES participates in the 2019 Social Forum for Euskadi Biodiversity
El pasado 30 de octubre se celebró en el Archivo Histórico de Euskadi, el Foro Social de la Biodiversidad de Euskadi 2019, un espacio de...
Encuesta para la identificación de temáticas prioritarias para los Planes de Formación de GBIF España
Desde GBIF España diseñamos anualmente un Plan de Formación para la comunidad...
Generalitat de Catalunya, new data publisher through GBIF.ES
Recently, the Generalitat de Catalunya, through the Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat, has become a new publisher in the GBIF.ES network. This institution manages the Catalan system...
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