Strategic planning meeting for collaboration with key Ibero-American agents in the integration and use of biodiversity information within the framework of SUMHAL/LifeWatch
Strategic planning meeting for collaboration with key Ibero-American agents in the integration and use of biodiversity information within the framework of SUMHAL/LifeWatch
This meeting is proposed as a series of working sessions on specific topics to achieve the following outcomes:
- A common roadmap for the development and consolidation of (e-)Infrastructures and services that, from the perspective of e-Science, contribute to:
- Better sustainable land management
- Biodiversity conservation and environmental preservation
- Achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals 2030, in synergy with the EU Green Deal, EU Blue Growth, EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, and EU From Farm toFork programs, among others
- Exchange of experiences and capabilities in addressing issues and challenges common to national and international, data, information and (e-)Biodiversity knowledge infrastructures. A consensus-based conclusions document, including an EU-LAC Roadmap, to co-develop, build, and deploy through financial support from relevant calls (CYTED, GBIF, Cooperation Agencies, Horizon Europe, Neighbourhood Development International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), etc.)
- The development of the above is based on the paradigm of Biogeographic Regions in the CELAC area, through national cross-border collaboration among the involved states, in collaboration with the European Union and the United Nations (for example, through the Indigenous Knowledge Research Initiative -IKRI-, based on the aforementioned financial instruments.
Agenda (.pdf file, 915 KB)
Media coverage
- Sevilla acoge esta semana una reunión internacional para cooperar en la gestión sostenible de los ecosistemas (
- Reunión en Sevilla para vertebrar estrategias sobre gestión sostenible de los ecosistemas | Andalucía Información. Todas las noticias de Ronda (
- Biólogos alertan ante las presiones ambientales de China en Latinoamerica | Andalucía Información. Todas las noticias de Andalucía (
- Castroviejo alerta ante las presiones ambientales de China en Latinoamerica | Viva Sevilla. Noticias de Sevilla
- Sevilla acoge una reunión internacional para cooperar en la gestión sostenible de los ecosistemas
Social Media
- Cambio Climático – 18/11/2022 21:00:00 | vie, 18 nov 2022 (Nota: La página redirige automáticamente a la última fecha disponible, así que hay que seleccionar manualmente el programa del 18 de noviembre de 2022)
Rui Figueira presents the @GBIFPortugal node (Source: LifeWatch ERIC (@LifeWatchERIC) / Twitter)