» Participantes » Herbarium specimens of threatened vascular plants in Catalonia
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Neus Nualart Dexeus




Carrer del Doctor Font i Quer, 2
08038 Barcelona

Herbarium specimens of threatened vascular plants in Catalonia


In this projecte we have obtained a specimens’ dataset of the Catalonian threatened vascular plants conserved in five public Catalonian herbaria (BC, BCN, HGI, HBIL and MTTE). Catalonia is an administrative region of NE Spain with large autochthon plants diversity and 199 taxa with IUCN threatened categories (EX, EW, RE, CR, EN and VU). This dataset includes 1,618 records collected from 17th century to nowadays. For each specimen, the species name, locality indication, collection date, collector, ecology and revision label are recorded. More than 94% of the taxa are represented in the herbaria, which evidence the paper of the botanical collections as an essential source of occurrence data. The dataset has been published in a data paper available in

Información general


The aim of this project is (1) to join the specimens’ data of endangered plants in Catalonia in a unique dataset, (2) to improve the accessibility of this data for conservation purposes, (3) to describe the taxonomical, chorological and temporal diversity of this dataset and (4) to evaluate if it is representative of this kind of flora.