Participantes »
L'Aquarium de Barcelona, Acuarios Oceanworld S.L.
Fecha de alta
23-08-2007 -
Fecha de actualización
23-08-2007 - Descarga la ficha
The Aquarium of Barcelona shows to the public different aquatic habitats and animals of different seas and rivers of the world. It has special emphasis in mediterranean ecosystems. The Aquarium develops exhibitional, educational and conservational works.
Información general
Recreation of different marine and fresh water ecosystems, for their exhibition, conservation and education in the respect toward the nature of our visitors.
Puntos fuertes
1- Quality of waters, 2- Elasmobranchian and Teleostean Biology, Physiology and Patology, 3- Reproduction of different aquatic species.
Cobertura taxonómica
Nombres científicos
algunos/as Protista.
Nombres comunes
principalmente animales, macroalgas, algunos/as plantas, algunos/as protozoos.
Cobertura geoespacial
todo(s) mundial.
Localización temporal
Cobertura temporal
todo(s) taxón existente.