» Participantes » UA/Ayuntamiento de Santa Pola - Centro de Investigación Marina

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Contacto administrativo

Irene Elvira Antón Linares

Contacto administrativo

Andrés Izquierdo Muñoz


+34 636 805 654


Torre D'Enmig, s/n. Cabo de Santa Pola
03130 Santa Pola

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UA/Ayuntamiento de Santa Pola - Centro de Investigación Marina


El Centro de Investigación Marina (CIMAR) es un centro de investigación fruto de la colaboración entre el Ayuntamiento de Santa Pola y la Universidad de Alicante. Las actividades principales son: la investigación en el ambiente marino; la docencia universitaria de grado y postgrado y la educación ambiental dirigida a centros educativos y público en general.

Información general


Establish in the required infrastructure to develop research activities in the different areas of the Marine Sciences, both basic and applied, within the coastal setting. Creation of a Research Marine Centre as a referent for the research groups of the Valencian Community, national and international ones. Logistical support in the performance of research, teaching and dissemination projects, according to their purposes. Development of local, regional, national and international courses and seminars on marine and coastal settings. Performance of practicals and nature and marine routes , which shall be addressed to students in different education cycles. Dissemination of the natural, marine and fishing heritage, aimed at all citizens, in collaboration with public and private entities from the town of Santa Pola (Sea & Fishing Museum, the Museum of the Salt, the Local Aquarium, the Fish Market, the Fishing Port, etc.). Collaboration with the scientific and cultural activities promoted by public and private entities (i.e. Association of Fishermen, aquaculture and fishing companies, etc.) of Santa Pola.

Puntos fuertes

Biodiversidad marina, Especies exóticas en el Mediterráneo, Protección del ambiente marino