» Registro de instituciones, colecciones y bases de datos de biodiversidad » Colección de Cordados, Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Number of records published in GBIF



Administrative Contact

Javier Quesada Lara


Jordi Agulló Villaronga


+34 932562224


Passeig Picasso s/n



Colección de Cordados, Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona


The Chordate collection (except Tissue Bank) contains more than 30,000 specimens, 24.000 of which have geographical origin documented. Collection grows annually by donations and passive recollections. Specimens come from several sources: nature, the Zoological Park of Barcelona, and animal recovery centers in Catalonia. There is a Laboratory where specimens are prepared (study skins, mounted, skeletons, tissues, etc). Chordates are primarily used for scientific and educational purposes. Chondrichthyes collection consists of 580 specimens; Actinopterygii collection contains 9.600 specimens. In both cases, are whole animals alcohol preserved, collected in Spain and Africa. Amphibians, 1.400 specimens, are preserved in alcohol; nearly all come from the Iberian Peninsula. There are nearly 2.300 reptiles, half from Spain and the rest from America and Africa. With more than 14.000 specimens, mostly from Spain, birds make up the largest part of the Chordate collection. Bird collection contains specimens from Equatorial Guinea, Ecuador and Vietnam. The mammal collection (more than 5.000 specimens) is largely a study collection. Half of the mammals in the collection come from fieldwork carried out on the Iberian Peninsula. Highlights include the collection of African mammals, with a few American and Asiatic mammals.

Overall information


1- Preventive preservation of collections: analyses and monitoring of environmental conditions, 2- Catalogue completed. 3- Loan and consultation are accepted for researchers.

How to cite

Colección de Cordados, MCNB

Usage restrictions

1- Use of specimens of protected by law species , 2- To obtain samples by molecular analyses.

Taxonomic coverage

Scientific names

Agnatha, Amphibia, Aves, Chondrichthyes, Chordata, Mammalia, Osteichthyes, Reptilia.

Common names

anfibios, aves, cordados, lampreas, mamíferos, peces, rays, tiburones, vertebrados.

Geospatial coverage

algunos/as Ecuador, algunos/as Guinea Ecuatorial, principalmente noreste de la Península Ibérica, algunos/as resto del mundo, algunos/as Vietnam.

Temporal location

Temporal coverage

todo(s) taxón existente.

Datasets of the collection/database

Types of objects

algunos/as huesos, algunos/as huevos, algunos/as nidos, principalmente organismos enteros, algunos/as pieles, algunos/as plumas.

Types of datasets

algunos/as observaciones, principalmente Preservados.

Conservation method

algunos/as alcohol, algunos/as formol, algunos/as montado, algunos/as secado.


Nº of copies / records


Nº of species


Percentage of computerization


Does it include Type specimens?


Map of Specimens

Access to datasets

  • Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-Cord