» Registro de instituciones, colecciones y bases de datos de biodiversidad » ICTS-RBD (Infraestructura Tecnológica Singular Reserva Biológica de Doñana)
Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC)
Number of records published in GBIF



Administrative Contact 1

Ricardo Díaz-Delgado

Administrative Contact 2

Javier M. Bustamante Díaz

Administrative Contact 3

Rocío Márquez Ferrando


959 44 85 26


Carretera de El Rocío–Matalascañas (A-483) km 40


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Institution portals

ICTS-RBD (Infraestructura Tecnológica Singular Reserva Biológica de Doñana)


The Singular Scientific-Technical Infrastructure of Doñana (ICTS-RBD), created in 2006, is managed by the Doñana Biological Station of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (EBD-CSIC) and includes large facilities, resources, equipment and services dedicated to the cutting-edge, high-quality research and technological development in the Doñana Biological Reserve within the Doñana Natural Area. Due to its exclusive location, it is considered an ideal platform for the monitoring of natural processes associated with global change and is aimed at providing access and support to the spanish and international scientific community that carry out research projects in the protected area. It is included in the platform for Long Term Socio-Ecological Research (LTSER) of the eLTER European Research Infrastructure. In addition, the ICTS-RBD has been implementing the Natural Resources and Processes Monitoring Program (ESPN) in the Doñana Natural Area (END) since 2002, which through standardized protocols systematically acquires time series of data in situ using both conventional field sampling techniques as well as through sensors and automatic probes and information obtained at the landscape scale through the use of remote sensing images. Some monitoring protocols start in the 1980s monitoring populations of birds and endangered species, and the monitored area and the number of monitoring protocols were subsequently expanded, focused on indicators on species, populations, communities, habitats, structure and functioning of the ecosystems of Doñana. This program generates valuable systematic and consistent information that is used for decision making.

Overall information


This dataset was prepared as one of the deliverables of the GBIF’s CESP 20’18 project “Increasing capacities to develop National Species Checklists in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region”, to test the set of good practices compiled within the project.

Taxonomic coverage

Scientific names

Animalia and Plantae

Geospatial coverage

Datasets of the collection/database

Types of objects

Organismos no fósiles

Types of datasets



Nº of copies / records


Does it include Type specimens?


Map of Specimens

Access to datasets

  • Long-term monitoring of the distribution and relative abundance of the Mediterranean Spur-Thighed Tortoise (Testudo graeca) in Doñana 2005-2023

  • Long-term monitoring of small mammals (abundance and distribution) in Doñana Natural Area 2011-2021

  • Long-term monitoring of fish (abundance and distribution) in Doñana Wetlands 2004-2019

  • Long-term monitoring of woody plants of Doñana shrublands 2008-2023

  • Long-term monitoring of lizards and geckos in Doñana 2005-2021

  • Long-term monitoring of macroinvertebrates (abundance and distribution) in Doñana Wetlands 2004-2019

  • Long-term monitoring of roller dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) (abundance and distribution) in Doñana 2004-2012

  • Long-term monitoring in the biometrics of the red-swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii, Girard 1852) in Doñana Wetlands 2004-2022

  • Population dynamics of endangered plants in Doñana Natural Space

  • Bird census at the beach of Doñana Natural Space

  • Long-term monitoring of the relative density in the Western European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) with track counts in Doñana National Park 2007-2022

  • Long-term monitoring of the relative density in the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) with track counts in Doñana National Park 2007-2022

  • Long-term monitoring of the relative density of genus Felis with track counts in Doñana National Park 2007-2022

  • Long-term monitoring of the relative density in the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) with track counts in Doñana National Park 2007-2022

  • Long-term monitoring of the relative density in the domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) with track counts in Doñana National Park 2007-2022

  • Long-term monitoring of the relative density in the common genet (Genetta genetta) with track counts in Doñana National Park 2007-2022

  • Long-term monitoring of the relative density in the European badger (Meles meles) with track counts in Doñana National Park 2007-2022cks counts in Doñana National Park 2007-2022

  • Long-term monitoring of the relative density in the Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon) with track counts in Doñana National Park 2007-2022

  • Long-term monitoring of the relative density in the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) by tracks counts in Doñana National Park 2007-2022

  • Long-term monitoring of the distribution and abundance of diurnal butterflies (Papilionoidea) in Doñana 2007-2022