Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Number of records published in GBIF



Administrative Contact

Juan Carles Senar

Administrative Contact

Montserrat Ferrer




Passeig Picasso s/n


MCNB-Animal Biodiversity and Conservation


In 2000, the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona decided to change the title of its former journal Miscel.lània Zoològica –published since 1958- to Animal Biodiversity and Conservation and to adapt the structure to current trends. With this modification, we aimed to fill a gap in the range of Spanish journals and provide zoologists with an international forum to publish their papers. The scope of the journal is wide, encompassing descriptions of new species as well as studies on systematics, morphology, biogeography, ecology, ethology, physiology and genetics that emphasise some aspect of conservation biology. The journal publishes original research papers, reviews and discussion of issues within these fields. Catalogues, lists of species, and short notes should be submitted to our other journal, Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation is an international journal devoted to the study and conservation of animal biodiversity, open-access, free for authors, driven by a fast-paced editorial process that includes assessment by experts. It is published twice a year.

Overall information


The MCNB-ABC collection houses data resources from zoological collections previously published in the journal and will be expanded in the future.


Estudios de sistemática, morfología, biogeografía, ecología, etología, fisiología y genética, que de un modo u otro resalten aspectos de la Biología de la Conservación.

[CAT] Estudis de sistemàtica, morfologia, biogeografia, ecologia, etologia, fisiologia i genètica, que d’alguna manera ressaltin aspectes de la Biologia de la Conservació.

Common names

All zoological groups.

Period of study

Desde 08 / 01 / 2021.

Types of datasets

Organismos no fósiles.


Does it include Type specimens?


Map of Specimens

Access to datasets

  • A contribution to the earthworm diversity (Clitellata, Moniligastridae) of Kerala, a component of the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot, India, using integrated taxonomy

  • Effects of elevation gradient and aspect on butterfly diversity on Galičica Mountain in the Republic of Macedonia (south-eastern Europe)