» Participantes » Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Sostenibilidad, Medio Ambiente y Economía Azul - Centro Andaluz de Micología
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Administrative Contact

Francisco Javier Donaire Sánchez

Administrative Contact

Luis Alberto del Olmo


+34 697955248


Carretera CO-8211, Km 7,25. Zagrilla Baja
14816 Priego de Córdoba

Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Sostenibilidad, Medio Ambiente y Economía Azul - Centro Andaluz de Micología


The Andalusian Mycology Center, located next to the La Trufa Mycological Garden, is in charge of developing the Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Mushrooms and Truffles of Andalusia (Plan CUSSTA), an initiative of the Andalusian administration for the conservation and sustainable use of mycological resources. The center consists of a mushroom production module and mycorrhization laboratory, library, fungiary (herbarium specializing in mushrooms) and training classroom. In the La Trufa Mycological Garden you can enjoy a tour of different representative plant formations of Andalusia where you will learn about the flora and fungal species that characterize them. The visit to the garden is complemented by a tour through two interpretation rooms and a gallery, in which people learn the ways of life of fungi, their importance in the balance of ecosystems and the relationships between fungi and people throughout history.

Overall information


The main objective of the Andalusian Mycology Center is the development of the Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Mushrooms and Truffles of Andalusia (Plan CUSSTA), whose action goals are: • Sustainable management: Promote a sustainable development model that consolidates the value of mycological diversity and reinforces its role as a generator of goods and services. • Participation and mycological education: Promote co-responsibility, mobilization of the social actors involved, participatory management, and permeability in decision-making. Increase awareness, appreciation and understanding of mycological diversity. • Conservation: Promote the maintenance of ecosystems and guide rural development towards mycological conservation. • Research: Promote the improvement, dissemination, transfer of knowledge and the application of I+ D + I.


• Evaluación de la producción de especies de hongos comercializables en diferentes comunidades vegetales de Andalucía. • Localización y cartografía de los táxones fúngicos incluidos en el Listado Andaluz de Especies Silvestres en Régimen de Protección Especial.

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