» Participantes » Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico
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Inventario Forestal de Especies Terrestres


Plaza de San Juan de la Cruz, 10
28071 Madrid

Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico


The Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge was created in 2020 (Real Decreto 2/2020) and is responsible for: - The proposal and execution of the Government's policy regarding the fight against climate change, pollution prevention, protection of natural heritage, biodiversity, forests, the sea, water and energy for the transition to a more ecological productive and social model. - The making of state legislation on water and coasts, climate change, protection of biodiversity, environment, forests, meteorology and climatology. - The direct management of the public hydraulic domain of inter-community basins, of the maritime-terrestrial public domain. - The production of state legislation on energy, the development of the national energy policy, along with actions to ensure energy supply. - The production and development of the Government's strategy and policy to address the demographic challenge, as well as the proposal and implementation of the policy to fight against depopulation.   Note: The collections and datasets of data belonging to this institution mantain the name of the organization that originally published them.

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