Museo Arqueológico Municipal "Camil Visedo Moltó"
Registration date
23-08-2007 -
Update date
23-08-2007 - Download the sheet
The "Camil Visedo Moltó" Museum opened in 1945 and was designed as "Art Museum and Public Library". Later, the name of the Museum was changed to the actual in 1958 in memory of it founder. In the last years (1985-1990), the building of the Museum has undergone a complete renovation as well as a remarkable extension. The actual permanent museographical exhibition shows a selection of archaeological materials ordered thematicaly and chronologically. A specialized library is opened to the public and researchers.The Museum has also some stores, a laboratory of restoration, a drawing department and an administrative area.
Overall information
To preserve, spread and research the archaeological patrimony.
Iberian culture.
Taxonomic coverage
Common names
principalmente animales.
Geospatial coverage
principalmente provincia de Alicante (España), algunos/as resto de la Península Ibérica.
Temporal location
Temporal coverage
principalmente Cenozoico, principalmente Mesozoico, algunos/as Paleozoico.