» Participantes » Museo Valenciano de Historia Natural
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Hort de Felip, Parc, Carrer Mestre Chapí
46230 Alginet

Museo Valenciano de Historia Natural


The Natural History Valencian Museum was born with the purpose of promoting the scientific research, conservation and education in all the topics linked with the Natural History and the Environment, mainly in the Valencian Community. The facilities were created in 1978 and at the first times the Museum was called Museum of Natural Environment. It patrimony is the result of the merge of the Entomological Foundation "Torres Sala" and the Malacological collection "Siro de Fez" of the Valencian Patronage of Natural Sciences. The Museum opens to the public in 1984. From this time to nowadays, it depevelopes the following activities: 1- to show their collections and didactic exhibitions, 2- to carry out a constant spreading work, organizing workshops and conferences, 3- to undertake educational activities, as the annual organization of courses for teaches and school shops. The Scientific collection houses two important historical-natural collections: the entomological collection "Torres Sala" and the malacological collection "Siro de Fez". The funds of the Museum are in continuous increase with the contribution of new scientific collections that will form a wider museum project in a next future.

Overall information


1- Exhibition, 2- Education, 3- Scientific Research.


1- Studies about the endemic and endangered fauna from Valencian Community, 2- Fauna from caves/Biospeleology, 3- Taxonomy of invertebrates, mainly Annelida, Mullusca and Insecta, 4- To inventaried and catalogue the collection of natural history.

Taxonomic coverage

Scientific names

algunos/as Annelida, algunos/as Insecta, algunos/as Mollusca.

Common names

algunos/as gusanos, algunos/as insectos, algunos/as moluscos.

Geospatial coverage

principalmente Comunidad Valenciana (España), algunos/as resto del mundo.

Temporal location

Temporal coverage

todo(s) taxón existente.

Resources from the collection