» Participantes » Universitat de les Illes Balears
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Administrative Contact

Enrique García Riaza

Administrative Contact

Catalina Maria Meca Gutiérrez


971 173000


Ctra. de Valldemossa, km 7,5
07122 Palma de Mallorca
Islas Baleares

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Universitat de les Illes Balears


The UIB is an institution dedicated to the public service of higher education, research, knowledge transfer and innovation. University tasks are not determined by any kind of economic, social, religious or ideological power. In order to fulfil its functions, the UIB has to cooperate with other universities and institutions everywhere to maintain and strengthen its universal character, but especially with those of the Catalan language, due to its cultural and historical affinities. In 1983, the construction of the campus began on the Valldemossa highway, at kilometer 7.5, where all the services and studies were transferred in 1992. Only the Faculty of Sciences was already on the previous campus. The rest of the studies were distributed in separate buildings in Palma (Faculty of Philosophy and Literature in Son Malferit; Faculties of Law and Economics and Rectorate in Sa Riera; School of Teacher Training in the current IES Josep Maria Llompart). The Sa Riera building, in Palma, remained the headquarters of the Institute of Education Sciences and, since 1999, also houses what is currently the Vice-Rector's Office for Cultural Projection, the Open University and University Venues. Since 1996 two university headquarters have been operating: that of Menorca, in Alaior, which offers degrees in Business Administration, Law, Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Nursing and Tourism, and that of Ibiza and Formentera, in Ibiza, which incorporates, In addition, the degree of Tourism through an attached centre. They also offer various master's degrees, their own degrees and the Open University for Seniors. The UIB is built from its ancient wisdom and its current youth, committed to its historical, cultural and linguistic reality, it wants to build, day by day, an institution dedicated to the creation and transmission of knowledge, research and culture, activities all of which we want to be of the highest quality and academic competence at the service of our country; but also a University with the desire to endorse the universalist spirit, which projects itself in an increasingly open and intercommunicated world, but always in a climate of tolerance that allows the defence and dissemination of our cultural and linguistic values, those of solidarity, respect for diversity and protection of the environment.

Overall information


The UIB is a public institution that provides the higher education service through teaching, study and research. With the creation and transmission of knowledge, it contributes to the well-being of the citizens of the Balearic Islands, keeping in mind the commitment to values such as solidarity, integrity and equality. The institution's vision is to advance towards the highest quality in training and research.


En la UIB existen a fecha 15/01/2020 149 grupos de investigación y han sido concedidos el siguiente número de proyectos a nivel estatal y europeo: • Proyectos concedidos del Plan nacional de R+D+Y y otras: 51 • Proyectos concedidos de la Unión Europea: 4 • Proyectos vigentes del Plan nacional de R+D+I: 136 • Proyectos vigentes de la Unión Europea: 15 Para más información: