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Spanish, agreements

Contract between the Peruvian Amazon Research Institute and GBIF.ES (2010)

Contract between the Peruvian Amazon Research Institute and the Scientific Research Council through its coordination unit GBIF.ES.

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Spanish, agreements

Contract between the Von Humboldt Institute and GBIF.ES (2010)

Contract between the Alexander Von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute and the Higher Council for Scientific Research - CSIC through the GBIF National Node Coordination Unit.

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Spanish, agreements

Agreement between GBIF.ES and MNHN (2011)

Specific inter-institutional cooperation agreement between the National Museum of Natural History (Uruguay) and the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) through GBIF Spain.

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Spanish, agreements

Scientific and technological association between GBIF.ES and CENPAT-CONICET (2013)

The purpose of this Letter of Intent is to establish a joint working relationship in the formation and consolidation of a scientific and technological association between the CSIC (through GBIF.ES) and CENPAT-CONICET, which allows the maintenance and development of tools of software linked to the digitization and management of biological collections, making innovative contributions in the use of software, hardware infrastructure, communications and computer services in general.

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Spanish, agreements

Collaboration letter between MEC and MMA (2007)

The reason for this letter is to propose and initiate a collaboration between the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Environment in the field of biodiversity data through the GBIF Initiative.

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Spanish, agreements

Collaboration between Anthos Project and GBIF.ES (2009)

The reason for this letter is to propose and initiate a collaboration between the Anthos project and the national GBIF Node (Global Biodiversity Information Facility).").

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Spanish, agreements

Acceptance letter from GBIF.ES in REDIAM (2009)

The purpose of this letter is the proposal for the Integration of GBIF within the REDIAM and is motivated by the interest shown by the Ministry of the Environment in the establishment of a specific line of collaboration and, based on the existence of basic elements for the carrying out information exchange work.

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Spanish, agreements

Letter of Adhesion from GBIF.ES to REDIAM (2009)

Letter expressing GBIF Spain's commitments to join the Andalusian Environmental Information Network (REDIAM).

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