/ Software / Herbar & Zoorbar: Software for the management of botanical and natural history collections

Herbar & Zoorbar: Software for the management of botanical and natural history collections

Herbar and Zoorbar are two computer applications designed to manage and digitalize botanical and zoological collections. They are MS Access based software and, by using forms, they allow basic functions of natural history collections such as the design of checklists, the management of scientific names and locations, the production of labels, the elaboration of lists of materials, etc. Moreover, they include other more advanced functionalities such as the management of loans, requests and exchanges, among others.

Nowadays. these two applications have been merged in Elysia, which gathers functionalities from both programs including some upgrades and improvements. Since its launch in May 2016, Herbar and Zoorbar development has been interrupted and, although we are still supporting users, the Spanish Gbif Node recommends to make the migration process as soon as possible.

Microsoft Windows
(64 or 32 bits)

Microsoft Office 32 bits
(2010 or newer)

Version number
Herbar 3.7.1 Zoorbar 3.0

Creative Commons


Herbar & Zoorbar enable the following functionalities:

  • Store of all occurrence registers or collection's element.
  • Digitalization from digital images of sheets.
  • Creation of new attributes (information fields) in forms used for register labelling.
  • Management of georeferencing, countries, provinces and cities.
  • Full management of loans, requests and exchanges.
  • Management of locations.
  • Production of different types of labels, including labels for microscopic preparations.
  • Data export into the .kml format for its visualization on Google Earth.
  • It supports data export into Darwin Core 1.4 and Darwin Core Archive, ready to be published through GBIF.
  • Several data query settings.
  • It supports client-server structure in which many users can access data at the same time while each one maintains his/her local configuration.

Software images

Warning! Since Elysia's launch in May 2016, Herbar and Zoorbar development has been interrupted and, although we are still supporting users, the Spanish Gbif Node recommends to make the migration process as soon as possible.

How to cite

Pando F., Lujano M., Cezón K. Herbar (versión): una aplicación para la gestión de colecciones botánicas (consulta: fecha cuando fue consultado). GBIF.ES. Real Jardín Botánico (CSIC). Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.

Pando F., Lujano M., Cezón K. Zoorbar (versión): una aplicación para la gestión de colecciones zoológicas (consulta: fecha cuando fue consultado). GBIF.ES. Real Jardín Botánico (CSIC). Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.