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English, meetings

Poster about Plinian Core presented at the 2016 TDWG, in Costa Rica

Here you can download the poster about Plinian Core presented by GBIF.ES at the 2016 TDWG Conference, hosted in Costa Rica.

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English, agreements

Memorandum of Understanding GBIF (2011)

Signature of paragraph 11 (other matters and signature) of the GBIF Memorandum of Understanding in 2011.

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Spanish, agreements

Confirmation by the Biodiversity Department to use Anthos data in GBIF.ES (2009)

This letter contains the confirmation of the Biodiversity Foundation for the GBIF National Node to disseminate information about the Anthos project on such international platform..

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English, agreements

GBIF membership in NatureSDIplus (2010)

Confirmation form of GBIF.ES interest in participating in the NATURE-SDIplus network "Network of Good Practices for the European Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) in Nature Conservation".

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Spanish, agreements

Collaboration Letter between BDB and GBIF.ES (2008)

Letter requesting the study of the possibility of connection to the servers in which the biodiversity data that are available in the General Directorate of International Programs and Organizations of the MEC and that are deposited in the Data Bank of Biodiversity (BDB).

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English, agreements

DataCite Denmark Agreement (2014)

This agreement between GBIF Spain and the Technical Information Center of Denmark, operating through the State Agency DataCite, establishes the reciprocal understanding reached between the parties, defining the roles and responsibilities of each.

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Spanish, agreements

Agreement URJC-CSIC (2010)

Collaboration agreement between the Rey Juan Carlos University and the Higher Council for Scientific Research through the GBIF National Node Coordination Unit, based in the Royal Botanical Garden.

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Spanish, agreements

Agreement AndorraIEA-CSIC (2010)

The purpose of this agreement is to make the necessary computer changes in the Andorra Biodiversitat System (SIBA), located in the Barcelona Center of the IEA, to make it compatible with the system used by the GBIF.

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